Alele Public Library
Open Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am
to 4:00pm

The Alele Public Library has a wide range
of books available for borrowing and a reference collection which is for
use only within the library. The library maintains the Pacific Collections-a range of published
and unpublished material specific to the Marshall Islands and Oceania, which
is available for researchers.
To Use the Library:
- You need a Borrower Card. Adults and children over 9 years of age
can obtain cards. A card costs $10 and is valid for one year. However,
children over 9 years to 18 years old can get a Borrower Card for free.
We charge $10 for over 19 years old student or adult.
- You can arrange to renew the book you borrowed at the library or
by telephone for an additional 14-day period provided the book item is
not in demand.
- Overdue charge is 5 cents a day in any kind of materials signed
- Any lost ordamaged items will be charged for at the discretion of
the Librarian.

Books for Sale:
The Library carries a range of books for sale. Subject materials is
specific to the Marshalls and the region. For more information, go to Gift Shop
The library offers photocopy service.
- 20 cents per page for Museum members
- 25 cents per page for Non-members